A Seat At The Table


#SisterSolo  thank you for this! Thank you for creating a song (and an album) that is so real, relate-able, thought-proving, reflective, forward thinking and F.U.B.U. Thank you for sharing pieces of yourself and eloquently expressing the feelings that many of us struggle to express. Thank you for reminding us that we aren’t alone.

As soon as I heard this song and ‘listened’ to the lyrics, I felt it – to my core. This song reaffirms the need for self-care and self-acceptance. You can hide from many things but you can’t hide from yourself.

Again, thank you for creating a body of work that I’m more than happy to support, bump in my car and spread the word about. Also, thanks for giving me some music that inspires me to be myself and to keep pushing even when I feel like giving up!

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